Smoking Or Dry Vaping CBD Flower

Vaping CBD Flower

Smoking Or Dry Vaping CBD Flower

We get many questions on what Dry vaping CBD flower is. Here we will talk about what smoking CBD flower is and what dry herb vaping is. Stay informed with new CBD news on our Stell CBD news page Here.

First, what is CBD flower? CBD flower is the flower of the hemp plant or as many say the buds. After the hemp is harvested it is dried out and the buds can be removed and hand-trimmed or tumble trimmed.

Many CBD stores and online stores sell the CBD flower in many different strains. Different strains have different tastes and quality to them. Some have many more cannabinoids and terpenoids in them creating a different effect and taste than others. Also, the CBD % amount can be different from one version to the next and from one plant to the next.

A Fast Way To Get CBD In Your System

Smoking or vaping CBD flower is one of the fastest ways of getting CBD and other cannabinoids in your system. It enters your lungs and passes into your bloodstream very fast. This can also produce much higher levels of CBD tat most ay way of taking CBD.

The problem with smoking is it is still smoke. The smoke has ash and other bad properties in it. And smoking can be very hot and not so good for your throat and can have a strong smell.

Dry Herb Vaping Smooth And Cool

What is dry herb vaping?. Dry herb vaping is when you use a device that you take ground up CBD flower / buds and place it into the dry herb vaporizer.

The vaporizer heats up the flower without burning it so you get no smoke. It creates a white vapor that is very pure and full of CBD and other cannabinoids and terpenoids. This is not as hot as smoking and with no real smoke, it has no ash and other bad particles you get when smoking it.

The result is a high potent dose of CBD and other cannabinoids and terpenoids. This also lets you taste the flower much better as it is not mixed with smoke so you can enjoy the different strains and flavor profiles.

Dry herb vaping devices can be a tabletop or battery-powered small devices you can take with you. You will be using the raw Hemp flower so you will not be getting any other outside bad ingredients.

USDA May End Using Hemp Flower

On October 29, 2019, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) issued its Interim Final Rule governing the Establishment of a Domestic Hemp Production Program. With this new rule they want to change how Hemp and the Hemp flower is calculated for its THC amounts.

Right now the delta-9 is looked at and needs to blow 0.3% of THC this is a very low amount that will not get you high.

Under the new rule, both the delta-9 and the A versions will be added together. By doing this it will now make the THC amount be over the 0.3 level. And this will stop the sale of most all CBD flower taking it away from the people that need it.

This new rule will put many farmers out of business and hurt many CBD stores that rely on the extra income from the flower sales. It takes away a product the provides one of the best delivery systems for taking CBD.

Stella Naturals is staying on top of what is going on with the new rule. We are hoping they change this before it is fully inforced. We would love to offer our customers wonderful CBD flower for their use. See our current product line for the finest CBD products at fair prices here. Read more about the new USDA Interim Final Rule at Green Hemp News

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